sonnen | 8 March 2017

sonnen awarded the very first “Top Brand PV Storage Europe” seal by EuPD Research

An independent survey carried out by EuPD Research shows that sonnen enjoys a high level of satisfaction and brand recognition among European installers. As a result, sonnen has become the first battery manufacturer on the European market to receive the label of “Top Brand PV Storage”.

Wildpoldsried, 8 March 2017 – sonnen is one of the top brands when it comes to energy storage systems, as demonstrated in a study by Bonn-based marketing and business research company EuPD Research. The annual survey of installers shows that installers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the UK, rely on sonnen products to a particularly high degree. This is reflected by sonnens exceptional ratings in terms of satisfaction, likelihood to recommend to others and market penetration. Due to this impressive market position the German manufacturer received the seal of “Top Brand PV Storage” in Europe. This is the first time a storage system manufacturer has been awarded this title.

“Being the first storage system manufacturer to be named the Top Brand in Europe is an incredible honour,” says Philipp Schröder, Sales and Marketing Director at sonnen. “This is a sign that our growth in Germany and other European countries is based on technical expertise that is trusted by installers everywhere. Indeed, installers are the link between manufacturers and customers, and are most familiar with the demands and desires of customers.”

The award is exclusively given to manufacturers in the industry that demonstrate both a high level of satisfaction as well as a broad reach. In a highly competitive market, the quality label “Top Brand PV Storage” represents an enormous amount of added value, as it allows the manufacturer to set itself apart from the competition with a demonstrably high-quality product assortment. For customers, the seal of quality also serves as orientation in a constantly differentiating market. The significance of the label is easy to understand and generates a high level of recognition among consumers.