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Man and child standing by an insect hotel. The hotel is attached to a wooden house. View into the garden.
Blog | April 2021

Sustainability Trends 2021

Ways you can live a sustainable lifestyle

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The idea of sustainability is a powerful concept that outlines that we can have bigger hopes for a better the future. Without people to put this word into action, the noun itself has very little impact. Around the world, politicians and governments are constantly questioning when and how we can reduce the impacts of global climate change and its consequences on the environment, economies and societies. Even today, there is no solution or let alone consensus on how we can address this issue. Fortunately, despite it all, there are millions of people around the world who have decided to act on climate change – and the number is growing every day.

Whether its visionary minds, brave teenagers, or famous influencers, many people are choosing to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Whether it’s a family holiday that we choose to spend domestically; preferencing more fair trade and meat-free products in your grocery shopping; or designing an ecologically sound garden or balcony for the benefit of nature: It has never been easier to lead a more sustainable life.

Shop local, fair, and organic

Rather than shopping for industrial processed food products, the awareness for better quality produce is the biggest driver when it comes to shopping organic or growing your own fruits, herbs, and vegetables. Not only are you doing good for yourself, but you are also making a positive impact for the people involved in the supply chain with fair-trade products that respect the environment and help people earn an equitable wage. Why would you need an apple that was flown across the world when your own country offers fantastic fruits and delicious apples as well?

Holiday in your home country

Without a doubt the coronavirus pandemic has influenced where you will be spending your next holiday. There are many reasons why you should book a holiday in your home country. The journey to your destination is short and comfortable and will produce a smaller carbon footprint. Even your four-legged best friend might be able to join. Due to the pandemic, you are most likely viewing your home country in a completely different and much more favourable light as travel remains restricted in many countries. Beaches, mountains, or cities: The opportunities are endless and oftentimes can be found on your doorstep.

Flexitarians on the rise

The modern diet is going through a slow but steady change. More individuals have decided to cut back on the consumption of meat and dairy and shift towards a plant-based diet. Plant-based diets have been proven to be good for our personal health, bodyweight and the planet. We have also seen the rise of the global “flexitarian” movement, individuals who have renounced meat consumption from time to time. German citizens for example consumed an average of 57,3 kilograms of meat in 2020 and this in fact is at a historic low for meat consuming individuals.

Whether you decide to cut meat out of your diet entirely or only a few days a week: Eating less meat and fish and more greens and fruits is a fantastic and delicious way to reduce your impact on the world.

The Power of Green

Have you noticed how rooftops and balconies in cities have become small urban farms? Wild flowers growing, little “hotels” for bees and insects, herb gardens on balconies and around the block. It has never been easier to reduce your food miles and carbon footprint, do good for both the environment and animal population – even in mega cities and metropolitan regions. You could participate in a community garden and work together with residents in your neighbourhood to grow produce. Even more important than farming for one’s own use is the positive effect these small actions have on nature. Why wait any longer? Grab some seeds, add them to a few pots or buy a raised bed to install on your balcony. Ready, steady, go!

E-mobility for everybody

Not long ago, old-timers, sportscars, and luxurious convertibles were the status symbols most people longed for. Fast, expensive and loud. Thankfully, today’s status symbols are electric cars driven by individuals who want to make a statement about how they care for the environment. They are modern, more environmentally friendly to operate, practical, and stylish. Most likely, bystanders will congratulate you or ask about your journey towards using an EV.

E-mobility is the buzz word right now with more and more employers offering free charging stations, electric company cars, or governments offering benefits such as reduced taxes. E-bikes on the other hand are a fantastic opportunity for shorter rides, getting around in the city or spending some quality time outside. Thanks to e-bikes, many people can plan a bike tour for holidays and discover beautiful landscapes they did not dream of before.

Prosumer: Producer meets consumer

One of the most important sustainability movements combines producers with consumers. By growing your own food, producing your own energy or products for everyday life, people gain independence and financial freedom. No more worries about price increases, poor quality food products or allergies. Those who produce their own things know exactly what to expect from it. Ideas of what prosumers can produce include vegetable and herb gardens, homemade detergents and clothes to solar photovoltaic systems that ensure a green and financially attractive power supply.

Within our sonnenCommunity, producing, using and sharing energy is a well-loved and established practice. Our virtual network has been connecting households around the globe for years and we are constantly growing – from Greenland to Australia. Energy is yours and it is exactly where you are and when you need it. When all sonnenCommunity members are fully supplied with clean solar energy, the extra amount is fed into the electricity grid that benefits everyone. This is a win-win-situation for everybody thanks to generous buyback prices. So simple, so convincing.

A sustainable lifestyle is all about taking small steps. You can easily change how you live and do some good in just a few minutes. Whether it is a trial or a completely new routine, something for the grown-ups or kids, big or small: Everything is worth trying and making an impact.

It could be as simple as taking a reusable bag with you when you do your grocery shopping, planting some seeds on your balcony or garden, leaving the car behind and taking a bike, shopping locally, choosing a fair-trade product or planning a great holiday in your home country.

Change can happen with the smallest things and who knows where this might lead to? Here are some ideas on how you can make a positive impact through your lifestyle.

Sustainability Checklist

  • Use your garden or balcony to plant some herbs, fruits and vegetables or grow wild-flowers (e.g. lavender) to support bees and insects
  • Take a reusable bag with you when going to the supermarket, store or farmers market
  • Shop fair-trade, regional and organic products if possible
  • Leave the car behind and take a bike for short distance travelling
  • Start by implementing three meat-free days each week into your routine
  • Book a holiday in your own country, you will be surprised how lovely it can be
  • Try to use carbon neutral or negative products and verify the claims they advertise
  • Cook with as many parts of the food products as possible. When it comes to meat, the term “From Nose to Tail” summarizes the efforts to avoid waste and use the whole body of an animal. If you like vegetarian recipes, old bread can be used easily to create fantastic crusts for eggplants, zucchini etc., the leafs of a cauliflower are a delicious addition for a crunchy risotto topping and all the food waste (paring and so on) from vegetables is still good enough to cook a nice stock.